
餐旅英文 / 課程資料

一、組合菜單 試題編號:140-910301

1. 煎法國吐司 French toast

2. 火腿乳酪恩利蛋 Hamandcheeseomelette

3. 蒔蘿黃瓜沙拉Dillcucumbersalad

4. 鮪魚沙拉三明治Tunafishsaladsandwich

5. 美式華爾道夫沙拉WaldorfsaladAmericanstyle

6. 鮮蝦盅附考克醬Shrimpcocktailwithcocktailsauce

7. 薄片牛排三明治附高麗菜沙拉Minutesteaksandwichwithcabbagesalad

8. 匈牙利牛肉湯 Hungarian goulash soup

9. 雞骨肉汁(1公升)Chickengravy(1l)

10.青豆仁漿湯附麵包丁 Puree of green pea soup with croutons

11.蔬菜絲清湯 Clear vegetable soup with julienne

12.雞肉清湯附蔬菜小丁 Chicken consommé with vegetable “brunoise” 13.奶油洋菇鱸魚排附香芹馬鈴薯Fillet of seabass bonne femme style with parsley


14.洋菇煎豬排附橄欖形胡蘿蔔 Pork chop in brown mushroom sauce with turned


15.義大利肉醬麵 Spaghetti bolonaise

16.紅酒燴牛肉附奶油雞蛋麵 Beef stew in red wine with buttered egg noodle 17.佛羅倫斯雞胸附青豆飯 Chicken breast Florentine style with risi bisi 18.沙巴翁焗水果 Seasonal fresh fruit gratinted with sabayon

19.巧克力慕思 Chocolate mousse

20.香草餡奶油泡芙 Cream puff with vanilla custard filling



1. 炒蛋附脆培根及蕃茄Scrambledegggarnishedwithcrispybaconandtomato

2. 煎火腿乳酪三明治Griddledhamandcheesesandwich

3. 蛋黃醬通心麵沙拉Macaronisaladwithmayonnaise

4. 德式熱馬鈴薯沙泣WarmedGermanpotatosalad

5. 主廚沙拉附油醋汁Chef’ssaladservedwithvinaigrette

6. 翠綠沙拉附藍紋乳酪醬Greensaladservedwithbluecheesedressing

7. 尼耍斯沙拉Nicoisesalad

8. 蒜苗馬鈴薯冷湯Vichyssoise(potatoandleekchilledsoup)

9. 奶油青花菜濃湯Creamofbroccolisoup

10.蔬菜絲雞清湯 Chicken consommé a la julienne

11.奶油洋菇濃湯 Cream of mushroom soup

12.蘇格蘭羊肉湯 Scotch broth

13.煎豬排附燜紫高麗菜 Pan fried pork loin with braised red cabbage 14.乳酪奶油焗鱸魚排附水煮馬鈴薯 Seabass fillet a la mornay with boiled potatoes 15.原汁烤全雞附煎烤馬鈴薯 Roasted chicken au jus with potato cocotte 16.匈牙利燴牛肉附奶油飯 Hungarian Goulash with pillaf rice 17.白酒燴雞附瑞士麵疙瘩 Chicken fricasseé with spaetzle

18.焦糖布丁 Crème caramel

19.烤蘋果奶酥 Apple crumble

20.炸蘋果圈 Apple fritters



1. 煎恩利蛋Plainomelette

2. 炒蛋附炒洋菇片Scrambledeggwithsautéedslicedmushroom

3. 西班牙恩利蛋SpanishOmelette

4. 早餐煎餅Pancake

5. 翠綠沙拉附法式沙拉醬GreensaladwithFrenchdressing

6. 高麗菜絲沙拉Coleslaw

7. 總匯三明治附薯條ClubsandwichwithFrenchfries

8. 培根、萵苣、蕃茄三明治Bacon,letttuceandtomatosandwich

9. 海鮮沙拉附油醋汁 Seafood salad with vinaigrette

10.義大利蔬菜湯 Minestrone

11.蔬菜片湯 Paysanne soup

12.曼哈頓蛤蜊巧達湯 Manhattan clam chowder

13.奶油玉米濃湯 Cream of corn soup

14.法式焗洋蔥湯 French onion soup au gratin 15.藍帶豬排附炸圓柱形馬鈴薯泥 Pork Cordon Bleu with potato croquettes 16.煎鱸魚排附奶油馬鈴薯 Seabass fillet meuniere with buttered potatoes 17.義式海鮮飯 Seafood risotto

18.炸麵糊鮭魚條附塔塔醬 Salmon Orly with tartar sauce 19.羅宋炒牛肉附菠菜麵疙瘩 Sauteed beef stroganoff with spinach spaetzle 20.英式米布丁附香草醬 Rice pudding English style with vanilla sauce
