

Detective Mortimer Adans was old and ___ 1___ and often got into some kind of accident or trouble. But he was stilll the best detective in the city, so the police chief __2__ to get jim to keep working. Although Adams seemed tp a;waus __3__ with each new case, the criminals would soon find out that he was much smarter than he ollked. Recently Adams was sent to deal with a sade about $ 10,000 disappearing from a local bank. When he arrived ath the bank, the bank manager was 114__ for he was over an hour late. Adams apologized and explained thet he didn’t mean to __5__

1.     (A)all thumbs (B)start off on the wrong foot (C)hand it to (D)lent a nand

2. (A)draag his heels (B)twist his arm (C)up in arns (D)lend in hand

2.    (A)give  his right arm (B)drag his heels (C)up in arms (D)start off on the wrong foot

3.    (A)give  his right arm (B)drag his heels (C)up in arms (D)start off on the wrong foot

(A)draag his heels (B)twist his arm (C)up in arns (D)lend in 
